Kylie Mustachia

Vice President Internal

Hi Texas VSA! My name is Kylie Mustachia and I’m currently a third year majoring in kinesiology on the pre-pa track! I’m from Houston, Texas and I’m super excited to be your VPI for the 2023-2024 school year!!

In my free time (which only exists when I procrastinate my schoolwork) I’m really into baking, making Spotify playlists, and hitting add to cart. I also love reading manhwas and rewatching TV shows/movies (plz give me recs I am very indecisive and can’t keep watching the same pilot episode over and over again). I’m generally always on campus either studying or pretending to study (aka talking with my friends) so if you see me please don’t be afraid to say hi!! I try to remember everyone’s names and love making new friends :)

Being a part of VSA has created a lot of exciting and happy memories for me, so I hope that it can do the same for you this year (´。• ᵕ •。`) I can’t wait to meet everyone and see y’all’s faces!!



Instagram: @kkyliemu




Vice President External